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Apple (iOS)/iPhone

[iPhone] 4.2.1 완탈소식

by 인테리어전문햇님 2010. 12. 28.

Just a quick heads up! Redsn0w 0.9.7 beta was out yesterday to bring untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 but some of our readers has reported that usbmuxd process  is not working with them. Also Windows users were left behind and couldn't convert their devices to untethered jailbreak.

Though, the iPhone Dev Team is working hard on releasing new betas so in a new tweet today confirming that Redsn0w 0.9.7b4 will incorporates usbmuxd so you shouldn't worry anymore. In the same tweet, the iPhone Dev Team has confirmed that after finishing this task, the next version (Redsn0w 0.9.7b5) will include the Windows version.

위의 내용을 대충 해석해보면
iOS 4.2.1의 완탈을 지원하는 RedSn0w 0.9.7이 어제나왔다 

그런데 몇몇이용자들이  usbmuxd 와 연동되지 않는다고 한다

그리고 윈도우 사용자들도 탈옥을 하지못하고 기다리고있다

얼마후 공개될 b4 에서는 usbmuxd와 연동이 될것이다

그리고 그다음 버전인 b5에서는 윈도우 버전이 포함될것이다